Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Hoteliers? Relationships: Do Social and Cognitive Relationships Matter?




Social relationship, Cognitive relationship, Trust, Relationship commitment


This study aims to discover if social relationship as measured by shared value, duration and non-economic satisfaction and cognitive relationship as measured by task performance and economic satisfaction affect OTAs-hoteliers? relationship, which is measured through trust and commitment. Data was collected from hotels? operation managers, senior managers, financial executives, business owners, and partners through online surveys. A total of 208 usable questionnaires were returned from 577, resulting in a response rate of 36.04 per cent. The hypotheses were tested using SEM and mediation effects were tested and translated using Hair et al. (2014) nested structural model concept.  The results indicate partial mediation for cognitive domain - relationship commitment and full mediation for social domain - relationship commitment affects. Trust forms as the mediating variable.

Author Biography

Dr Zazli Lily Wisker, Wellington Institute of Technology

Zazli Lily Wisker (PhD) is a Senior Academic in marketing at the Wellington Institute of Technology, New Zealand. Her research centres around cross cultural marketing, branding, relationship marketing, and destination marketing. She has published in several A journals under ABDC lists such as Journal of Brand & Product Management, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, and Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.


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How to Cite

Wisker, Z. L. (2022). Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Hoteliers’ Relationships: Do Social and Cognitive Relationships Matter? . ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism, 20(1), 28-55.


