This paper reports the result of an exploratory study of the application of Terenzini et al. (2001) andEringa et al. (2002) to an educational institution, one of the N'etherlands' higher education inwhich apply PBL as an educational system. Recently, the International Hospitality Management(IHM) undergraduate program has decided to deploy internationalization and interculturalizationas a strategic instrument for the diversification of its curriculum. One of the consequences is thatlarge groups offoreign students have been attracted to the IHM. The purpose of this study is toinvestigate how the student nationalities and the group cultural compositions in PBL groups influence the student performance. Student performance is measured by learning process assessment(PBL participation points) and learning outcomes assessment (Total points for the module). Morespecifically, this study focuses on possible cultural bias (nationalities) that might accompany theform of assessment that the IHM uses. The results indicate that no significant differences existbetween groups that are more or less divergent.
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