Zeolit Indonesia2015-09-06T23:41:48+07:00Rino R. Journal SystemsJournal Zeolite Indonesia. OF MALE MICE (MUS MUSCULUS) AGE 28-63 DAYS IN THE COTE WITH HUSK LAYER, SAND LAYER, AND ZEOLITE LAYER WITH PARTITION OR NOT2015-09-06T23:41:13+07:00Rakhmadi I.pollung_siagian@yahoo.comMuladno Muladnopollung_siagian@yahoo.comH. C. H. Siregarpollung_siagian@yahoo.comPollung H. Siagianpollung_siagian@yahoo.comThe study aimed to analyze the effect of different layer types with pertition or not against perfomence male mice ages 28-63 days and to find out the information of ammonia on different layer cotes. The parameters measured were feed intake BK, dringking water, beginning and ending BW, ADG, feed convertions, mortality, and ammonia on cages. CRD designs was used in 3 x 2 factorial experiment, the first factor are types of layer (huks, sand, and zeolite) and the seconds factor are partition of layer (without insulation and section). The data obtained were analyzed with ANOVA if there are a real result, followed by Tukey test appeal. The data which not suitabele with the parameters was analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test, whereas the ammonia on cote described descriptively. The result showed that different types of layer most significant (p<0,01) on feed intake, and significant (p<0,05) on ending BW of mice. Mice that are kept at S layer type has higher feed intake and ending BW rather than P and Z layer type. DS most significant (p<0,01) on feed intake and significant (p<0,05) on water dringking consumption. Mice that are kept at TS cote has a feed intake higher and lower water dringking consumption rather than mice at DS cote. The interaction occurs between layer type and layer partition seen on ADG and feed convertions at first week until third week. Mice that are kept on DSS, DSP, and TSZ cote has better feed convertions and ADG rather than other treatments. Cote with S layer has a higher ammonia rather than cote with P and Z layer. Ammonia on Z layer is the lowers. Best treatment results in breed of mice can be choosen is the cote with zeolite layer with partition or not.Copyright (c) NATURAL ZEOLIT BY PLANTING INHIBITOR OF Cu WITH BATCH METHOD AS RAW MATERIAL FOR ANTISEPTIC MEDICINE2015-09-06T23:41:20+07:00Dewi Fatimahdewi.fatimah@geotek.lipi.go.idNatural zeolite can be develop as alternative raw materials pharmaceutical product, particularly as an absorbent of microbial pathogens and it is widely spread in almost province at Indonesia. The study conducted by modifying natural zeolite by planting inhibitor of Cu which functions as raw materials for medicine, especially as an antiseptic carrier. Process of planting Cu was conducted on Zeolite-H with variation stirring time of 2,4 6, and 8 hours at room temperature. Inhibitor planting process by batch methods was conducted on batch reactor. The result showed that purification process could be reduce a free oxides from Si, Al, Ti, Ca, and Fe which covered crystal structure and there is not occurred a peaks degradation of modernite and clinoptilolite on XRD diffractogram. Through SEM analysis can be seen form of modernite and clinoptilolite crystal that result of purification process more clearer. The EDX analysis showed that conversion to zeolite-Cu was successfully done and highest absorption of ASS at stirring time of 6 hours with concentration Cu of 299,5 ppm. Dynamic oligo antiseptic carrier test from zeolite-Cu was conducted on Candida albicans and Escherichia coli Growth. The media used were gel nutrient on various concentrations at incubation time of 30oC for 24-48 hours. The result showed that Zeolite-Cu can significantly reduce a Candida albicans and Escherichia coli growth.Copyright (c) EFFECT OF ZEOLITE RATES ON GROWTH Cd SHOOT CONTENT AND YEILD OF THE LATTUCE (LACTUCA SATIVA L.) UNDER HEAVY METAL CADMIUM STRESS2015-09-06T23:41:25+07:00Noertjahyani Noertjahyaninoertjahyani@yahoo.comNunung Sondarinoertjahyani@yahoo.comCadmium is a non-essential heavy metal which can poison the plants. It is can inhibit the growth of plants moreover cause cell death. The lettuce is one of vegetables that are usually consumption on fresh. This plant adsorbing Cd from soil and accumulate on leaf greater than root. The study aimed to study the effect of zeolite rates to growth, cadmium shoot content, and lettuce (L. sativa) under Cd stress condition. The experiment was conducted on February until April 2009 at greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty, Winaya Mukti University Tanjungsari- Sumedang with elevation of 850 asl. The experiment design was using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 4 treatments and repeated six times. Zeolite rates treatments are 0 ton ha-1, 2 ton ha-1, 4 ton ha-1, and 6 ton ha -1 of zeolite. The result showed that given zeolite is not only could increase a plant height, leaf number, plant fresh weight, dry weight fade, root fade ratio, but also could reduce a Cd shoot content of lettuce. Application of 6 ton ha-1 zeolite not only gave the best effect to plant height age of 14 days after planting (dap), 21 dap, and 28 dap, leaf number/plant, fresh weight/plant, dry weight fade, root fade ratio, but also reduce a Cd shoot content of lettuce at 25,14%.Copyright (c) INFLUENCE OF SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER UREA-ZEOLITE-HUMIC ACID (UZA) TO PADDYS PRODUCTIVITY VARIETY CIHERANG2015-09-06T23:41:31+07:00Kurniawan Riau Pratomosuwardi_bogor@yahoo.comSuwardi Suwardisuwardi_bogor@yahoo.comDarmawan Darmawansuwardi_bogor@yahoo.comSlow Release Fertilizer (SRF) is a modification fertilizer which aims to improving subtances efficiency on fertilizers by organizing the release slowly or gradually. The methods which used to made a SRF has any variety such as enlarging size, smoothing fertilizer surface, mixing with another difficult soluble materials, and covering fertilizer with certain ingredients so releasing fertilizer under soil more slowly. Some materials can be used as SRF materials are zeolite and humic acid. Zeolite is a silicate mineral which have a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) (varying between 80-180 meq/100g), fit hollow space to ammonium ion size so it have high adsorption capacity to ammonium ion. Meanwhile, humic acid which extracted from inorganic materials has a high CEC too. In this study, urea fertilizer has easily lost characteristics because of leaching and evaporation was conducted by covering zeolite and humic acid. The study aimed to find a proper dosage from combinations of urea, zeolite, and humic acid (UZA) for the paddy and to find proper applications of UZA for paddy. The experiment was conducted in green house with paddy variety Ciherang as an indicator plant. Paddy was fertilized with a standard dosage of N fertilizer from UZA with humic acid value of 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%. UZA fertilizer can improving paddy growth and productivity. UZA fertilizer with 1% humic acid dose is a the best dosage for paddy. The spread distribution of UZA was better than buried on the mud.Copyright (c) PATTERN OF NITROGEN RELEASE FROM SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER UREA-ZEOLITEHUMIC ACID2015-09-06T23:41:38+07:00Ganda Darmono Nainggolansuwardi_bogor@yahoo.comSuwardi Suwardisuwardi_bogor@yahoo.comDarmawan Darmawansuwardi_bogor@yahoo.comNitrogen is essential nutrient for plants, deficiency of nutrient causes plants could not growth normally. Nitrogen is easily lost from soil so to reduce his lost by forming fertilizers available in slow form (slow release). Some materials can be used to create a slow release of which having high cation exchange capacity (CEC). Zeolite and humic acid are materials which have a highest CEC so it make possible to use as a slow release materials. The study aimed to determine the rate and pattern of nitrogen release from mixture formulas Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) and urea-zeolite and humic-acid (UZA) and comparing rate of nitrogen release with urea pril. The study conducted in laboratory with incubation experiment during 14th weeks. Determination ammonium and nitrate was conducted by extracting the soil with extractant hydrodistillation 0.1 N HCl + 1 N KCl. The result showed that a higher humic acid concentration was given on fertilizer causes a nitrogen release become ammonium and nitrate more slowly. SRF H5 (urea:zeolit, 70%:30% with humic acid of 5%) have a slowest nitrogen release rate rather than five types of Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) formulas which containing a humic acid. However, SRF H1 and H3 fertilizer (with humic acid of 1% and 3%) have a most efficiency nitrogen release rate rather than five types of Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) which is containing a humid acid.Copyright (c) OF NATURAL ZEOLITE AS MOLECULAR SIEVE MATERIAL ON BIOETHANOL DEHYDRATION2015-09-06T23:41:43+07:00Khaidir Khaidirkhaidir.tip07@gmail.comDwi Setyaningsihkhaidir.tip07@gmail.comHery Haerudinkhaidir.tip07@gmail.comThis study aimed to find a method of modification zeolite structure so it has a fit pore size to used on bioethanol dehydration process and acquiring bioethanol quality for fuel. The method used by heating the mixture of ethanol azeotropic and water at distillation flask which passed through on the column filled by zeolite molecular sieve. The result showed that zeolite modifications (ZMS) have a better characteristic for used on bioethanol dehydration process than natural zeolite. The result which obtained on dehydration process using ZMS was better rather than commercial zeolite 3 A and natural zeolite. Concentration of bioethanol obtained by using ZMS has increased 3,14%.Copyright (c)