Modal Transformation based Fault Location in Radial Distribution Network
Daubechies wavelet(db6); detail coefficient; Karrenbauer Transformation; Traveling wave theory; wavelet transformAbstract
This paper introduces the technique of fault distance estimation based on modal transformation and signal processing. The recorded faulted phase currents are applied to the Karrenbauer model transformation and these model component currents are decomposed into detail coefficients by the use of Daubechies wavelet, db6. The fault recorder installed at the terminal of the feeder records different time delays between the modal components. In order to find fault distance, the time delay values and modal components velocity are used in traveling wave theory. This paper compares two different conditions: the first condition does not use a modal transformation and the second condition uses a modal transformation. When using modal transformation conditions, three different coefficient levels (detail coefficient level 1 (D1); the combination of detail coefficient level 1+2 (D1+2) and the combination of detail coefficient level 1+2+3 (D1+2+3) ) are used to estimate the fault distance. Different fault types with different fault locations are created in MATLAB simulation.
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