A Proposed Hidden Markov Model Method for Dynamic Device Pairing on Internet of Things End-Devices
device pairing, dynamic device pairing, hidden Markov model, Internet of Things, received signal strength indicatorAbstract
Dynamic device pairing is a context-based zero-interaction method to pair end-devices in an IoT System based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) values. But if RSSI detection is done in high level, the accuracy is troublesome due to poor sampling rates. This research proposes the Hidden Markov Model method to increase the performance of dynamic device pairing detection. This research implements an IoT system consisting an Access Point, an IoT End Device, an IoT Platform, and an IoT application and performs a comparison of two different methods to prove the concept. The results show that the precision of dynamic device pairing with HMM is better than without HMM and the value is 83,93%.Downloads
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