An Asymmetric Watermarking Method in the DCT Domain Based on RC4-Permutation and Chaotic Map
This paper presents an asymmetric watermarking method in the DCT domain for still images based on permutation and chaos. This method uses secret watermark as private key and public watermark as public key. The public watermark has a normal distribution with mean = 0 and variance = 1. The secret watermark is obtained by permutating the public watermark according to combination of a part of RC4 algorithm and a logistic map. The watermark is embedded into mid-frequency components of the DCT block for better robustness. The detection process is implemented by correlation test between the public watermark and the received image. Experiments show that the watermarking method was proved to be robust againts some typical image processings (cropping, JPEG compression, resizing, rotation, sharpening, and noising).Downloads
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