Adjusting Time of Flight in Ultrasound B-mode Imaging for Accurate Measurement of Fat using Image Segmentation Technique
chicken fat, histogram mean, percentage of fat pixels, phase error, Soxhlet method, ultrasound B-mode.Abstract
This research attempted to measure chicken intramuscular fat content using improved ultrasound B-mode images and image segmentation. Adapted B-mode imaging is proposed to increase the positioning accuracy of B-mode images with the objective to correct the phase error due to the use of predetermined ultrasonic velocity in conventional B-mode imaging. The pre-determined velocity is replaced by actual velocity measured using A-mode imaging. The positioning accuracy of adapted and conventional B-mode imaging was validated using 144 chicken samples. The adapted B-mode image had better positioning accuracy compared to a conventional B-mode image since the method used was able to detect the thickness of the chicken sample with a lower mean difference (0.0360.034mm vs. 0.1130.010). Both methods were then applied for measurement of intramuscular fat content. The histogram mean and the percentage of fat pixels were the B-mode image characteristics that were extracted and their correlation with the fat content, measured using the Soxhlet method, was analyzed. The properties of the adapted B-mode images correlated better with the Soxhlet-measured fat content compared to the properties of the conventional B-mode images as reflected in the correlation coefficient, r, for the histogram mean (0.357 vs. 0.129) and the percentage of fat pixels (0.406 vs. 0.289). The results indicate the potential of using ultrasound adapted B-mode imaging to measure chicken intramuscular fat.Downloads
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