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Author Guidelines

JRCP adopts a double-blind review process. Every manuscript that is considered for publication will be sent to at least two external referees in the relevant field(s). To ensure anonymity, any identifying information of the author(s) such as name, contact details, and acknowledgments should be totally excluded from the main text.

An electronic copy of the manuscript in RTF or MS Word format must be submitted through our online submissions system. (Note: maximum total attachment size for each submission is 10 MB).

JRCP receives and publishes articles either in British or American English. Manuscripts are preferably be written on A4 size paper with normal margins. The manuscript's length is normally between 4,000-8,000 words (including tables and illustrations). One table/ illustration is approximately equal to a one-third page or 150-200 words. The font used is Times New Roman with size of 12. Paragraphs are single-spaced.

The manuscript includes title, Abstract, Keywords, body, and references. The abstract consist of a maximum 250-word paragraph briefly mentioning objectives, methods or main analysis, and main finding or main argument. It is followed by 3-5 keywords.

The body of the paper is divided into several sections comprising three basic parts, which are introduction, main content, and conclusion. The introductory section normally presents the context, significance, focus, research design/ state-of-the-art, and organization of the paper. There is no standardized requirement on how the main content is organized. If necessary, notes on theoretical reflections, methodological issues, and/ or research object/ contexts can be made in separate sections. The author may divide the analyses into several sections by, for instance, following the structure of research problems aimed to be addressed. Finally, the discussion and/or concluding section must revisit the focus of the paper, highlights key findings, reflections, and further remarks or wider implications for theoretical and/ or professional knowledge development. Every section needs to be clear yet efficiently developed into more than one full paragraph. A full paragraph should consists of more than one sentence.

Tables and figures are inserted on the relevant page and cited in the main text as follows: (Table 1). The table titles are placed above the tables and the figure titles are put at the bottom of the figures. Every table and figure is numbered consecutively starting from 1 (Latin).

Please make sure that all figures and illustrative materials are original works of the author(s) or provided with written permission from the copyright holders. The editors may automatically exclude those who have the potentials to infringe copyright from the manuscripts.

Footnotes are allowed (with a maximum of 3) and placed at the bottom of the relevant page and ordered using Latin numbering.

Citations give the author's last name and the year of publication, with at least the year placed in parentheses, for instance: “(Albrechts, 2014)” or “According to Albrechts (2014)…” Direct quotations have opening and closing quotation marks (“….”) and are accompanied by the page numbers where they are located in the original source, for example: (Tirtosudarmo, 2013, p. 101). Citations of two or more sources are separated by a semicolon (;), for example: (Healey, 2007; Innes and Booher, 2009). If a cited source is written by more than three authors only the first author should be given while the rest are replaced by “ al.”, for example: (Firman et al., 2013). Should the author be unknown or anonymous, then the author's name can be replaced with the name of the institution or publisher, for example: (Kompas, 2014).

The reference list consists of complete references to all cited sources. The references adhere to the APA (American Psychological Association) style, 6th edition. Some examples:

Journal article/ periodicals:
Hoffman, M., S. Hayes , and M. Napolitano (2014) Urban Youths' Experiences and Perceptions of a Community Cycling Initiative. Planning Theory 51(2), 300-318.

Yin, J. (2012). Urban Planning for Dummies. Mississauga: John Wiley & Sons.

Edited book:
Kraas, F. et al. (Ed.) (2013) Megacities: Our Global Urban Future. Dordrecht: Springer.

Tirtosudarmo, R. (2013) Urbanization without Development: The Cases of Cirebon and Gresik on Java's North Coast. In: Bunnell, T., Parthasarathy & E. Thompson (Ed.) (2013) Cleavage, Connection and Conflict in Rural, Urban and Contemporary Asia, 99-115. Singapore: Springer.

Conference paper or proceedings:
Rosly, D., N. Puzi, and M. Arshad (2012) Planning Strategies, Guidelines and Action Plan for Green Neighbourhoods in Malaysia. Paper presented at the EAROPH Congress: Green Cities for Human Betterment, Daegu, 10-17 Oktober.

Unpublished source:
Benyamin, Y. (2012) Kajian Kelembagaan Penyelesaian Konflik Batas Laut Daerah. Thesis, Undergraduate Program of Geodetic Engineering. Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Newspaper article:
Rusunawa di Tasik Dibangun Kemenpera untuk Santri. Kompas, 14 January 2014.

Online source:
Siregar, A. (2014) Indonesian Summit Diplomacy in 2013. The Jakarta Post, 10 Januari. Accessed from on 14 January 2014.

The use of AI and AI-assisted technologies
In instances where writers employ generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted tools during the writing phase, such technologies may be utilized solely for the enhancement of text readability and linguistic quality. Authors are requested to openly acknowledge the incorporation of AI and AI-assisted technologies in their writing process within the manuscript. It is important to emphasize that authors bear full responsibility and ownership of the content presented. To comply with these guidelines, authors are required to disclose the utilization of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies by appending a statement at the conclusion of their manuscript within the primary document, preceding the References section. This statement will be included in the final published work.

Submission Checklist
You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review and ensure that the following items are present or have been uploaded:
1. One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:
    • E-mail address
    • Full postal address

2. Manuscript
    • Include keywords
    • All figures (include titles, description, footnotes)
    • Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided.

3. Supporting documents, consist of:
   • Title page
   • Cover letter
   • List names of potential and opposed reviewers
   • CRediT statement
   • Gold open access confirmation
   • Billing information.

4. Supplemental materials (optional), refers to files relates to a specific article, which authors supply for publication alongside their article. They should generally be additional pieces to the article that could not be included in the issue or print version, such as appendices, tables, and audio and video material that is impossible to produce within the article. There may also be instances, such as certain podcasts and videos, where they are not directly attributable to a specific piece of research.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.