Pendidikan Perencanaan Menjelang Era Asia-Pasifik: Perlunya Fleksibilitas Pendidikan
Globalization in economy has resulted in economic interdependency on a global scale. Economic activities have experienced tertiary proc ess, or activities characterized by the domination of service sector activities. Eventhough this phenomenon is more intensive in developed countries, its implications, nonetheless, will affect the developing countries. At a certain level developing countries will play and experience this new pattern. Developing countries should seize this momentum rightly . Human resources preparation through education is very essential in utilizing this momentum. Planning education is one important area in responding to the changing world. Some adjustments with new rethoric in education world is needed.Downloads
Christianto Wibisono, 1995. Prognosa 1995: Ekonomi Indonesia Era WTO/APEC, Telstra No 32.
Cuthbert R., Alexander, 1994. Flexible Production - Flexible Education? Makalah disampaikan pada "Planning Education Workshop" , Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 24-26 September 1994.
Colman, James, 1993. "Planning Education in the 90s" , Australian Planner, March.
Healey J. Michael dan Brian W. Ilbery, 1990. Location and Change: Perspectives on Economic Geography, Oxford University Press.
Meadows H. Donella, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, 1992. Beyond The Limits: Global Collapse or Sustainable Future, Earthscan Publication Limited, London.
Moulaert, F. and F. Todtling (eds), 1995. The Geography of Advanced Producer Services in Europe, Progress in Planning, Vol. 43, April/June.
Nijkamp, Peter, 1990. Regional Sustainable Development and Natural Resource Use, Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics.
Rodriguez-Bachiller, Agustin, 1988. Town Planning Education, Gower Publishing Company Limited, Aldershot.
World Commission on Environment and Development, Brundlant Commission, 1987. Our Common Future, Oxford University Press.
Yann, Wong Shuang, 1994. "Globalization and Regionalization: The Shaping of New Economic Regions in Asia and Pacific" , Regional Development Dialogue, 15(1).
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