CiteScore : 1.5 |
Impact Factor : 0.5 |
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2003)
Research Articles
Alternatif Pembiayaan Pembangunan SAUM
Abstract views: 137 times |
Downloaded: 80 times
Pendekatan Tourism Business District dan Partisipatif dalam Pengembangan Jalur Wisata Perkotaan Kasus: Jalur Wisata Kota Jakarta
Abstract views: 349 times |
Downloaded: 276 times
Reasons Behind The Concentration of Two-Stroke Three Wheelers and The Impacts on Urban Khulna City, bangladesh
Abstract views: 87 times |
Downloaded: 98 times
Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis for Flow Data: Exploring The Error Term of Spatial Interaction Models
Abstract views: 286 times |
Downloaded: 148 times
Non-Shortest Paths Route Choice Model Based on Fuzzy Preference Relations
Abstract views: 82 times |
Downloaded: 61 times
Katalog Rencana
Abstract views: 70 times |
Downloaded: 66 times