Analyzing the Changes in Land Cover and Land Surface Temperature (LST) in the North Bandung Area (NBA)
land cover, Land Surface Temperature (LST), North Bandung Area (NBA), protected areaAbstract
North Bandung Area (NBA) was designated as a protected area to regulate the water system around Bandung City. Land conversion from vegetated land into built-up areas can decrease groundwater, increase the risk of floods, landslides, and Land Surface Temperature (LST). This study was conducted to describe LST distribution based on land cover types in specific years of 2010, 2014, and 2018. Landsat 5 and 8 Surface Reflectance (SR) Tier 1 imagery data, West Java land cover maps established by BAPPEDA West Java, and RBI administration maps at a scale of 1: 25,000 were used to generate a map of land cover and LST in this research. There are four land cover classes in NBA, i.e., vegetation, water bodies, open areas, and constructed areas. Within eight years observation (2010 to 2018), bare land decreased from 67.6% (2010) to 57.5% (2018). However, coverage of constructed areas increased within eight years of observation from 22.8% to 27.7 %. In addition, due to the reforestation program, vegetation coverage has slightly increased from 9.6% to 14.7%. LST can be classified into three classes, i.e., low, medium, and high temperature. The area with low and medium-class temperatures decreased from 19% to 16% and 61.3% to 51.7%, respectively. However, high LST increased in NBA 18.7% to 30.3%. The enhancement of 5% vegetation area did not significantly reduce land surface temperature in NBA due to forest conversion to constructed area. Therefore, vegetation coverage must be escalated by reforestation program around NBA to reduce land surface temperature.
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