Modeling CD4+ T cells and CTL response in HIV-1 infection with antiretroviral therapy
HIV-1, CD4 T cells, CTL cells, RTI, PI.Abstract
The majority of an immune system infected by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is CD4+ T cells. The HIV-1 transmission through cell to cell of CD4+ T cells supports the productive infection. On the other hand, infected CD4+ T cells stimulate cytotoxic T-lymphocytes cells to control HIV-1 infection. We develop and analyze a mathematical model incorporating the infection process through cell to cell contact of CD4+ T cells, CTL compartment and the combination of RTI and PI treatments. By means of the alternative reproduction ratio, it is analyzed the stability criteria and the existence of endemic equilibrium. Numerical simulations are presented to study the implication of the combination of RTI and PI therapy. The results indicate that RTI drug shows more significant effect in reducing HIV-1 infection compared to PI drug.References
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