Growth Rates Analysis of Porites Corals from Nusa Penida, Bali
coral growth rates, densitometry, Nusa Penida, Porites, SSTAbstract
The annual growth of Porites coral is represented by a pair ofhigh- and low-density bands. Environmental changes in the ambient watersinfluence the pattern of these annual density bands. Five colonies of Poritescorals from Nusa Penida, Bali were investigated to analyze their annuallinear growth rates using coral densitometry. From the analysis it was foundthat the annual linear growth rates of the colonies varied between 0.8924 to1.0012 cm/yr. The trends of the colonies growth rates also varied. Twocolonies showed a decreasing trend, while the others showed an increasingtrend. The annual linear growth rates of most of the colonies were not
influenced by sea surface temperature (SST); only one out of five colonieshad a significant correlation with SST (R = 0.66, p-value < 0.05).
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