Scimago Rank |
Oxygen Reduction Reaction Mechanism on the Square Paddle-Wheel Cage Site of TM-BTC (TM=Mn, Fe, Cu) Metal Organic Framework |
Ahmad Nuruddin, Adhitya Gandaryus Saputro, Syauqi Abdurrahman Abrori, Arifin Luthfi Maulana, Virgiawan Listanto Rahagung, Mohammad Kemal Agusta, Fadjar Fathurrahman, Amrina Mustaqim & Hermawan Kresno Dipojono |
Mathematical Analysis of Two Strains of COVID-19 Using SEIR Model |
Adetayo Samuel EEGUNJOBI & Oluwole Daniel MAKINDE |
Antibacterial Assay and GC-MS Analysis of Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke Fruit Extracts |
Ernin Hidayati, Yuli Handayani & I Made Sudarma |