Modelling of the Heated Water Spreading in Muara Karang Coastal Waters, Jakarta Bay
coastal reclamation, cooling water circulation, thermal spreading, reklamasi pantai, sirkulasi air pendingin, sebaran termalAbstract
Abstract. Modelling of the heated water spreading in Jakarta Bay had been performed as a part of the study on cooling water circulation of Muara Karang Power Plant, North Jakarta. The results of the simulation described in this paper illustrated for cast season (August 1994), transitional season (November 1995), and west season (Januari 1996). The spreading of thermal water in Muara Karang coastal waters near the outlet canal of the power plant for each season and all tidal and wind conditions is dominantly influenced by discharge of cooling water that has maximum value of 35.1 m3/sec. In the far field area the spreading is directed by monsoon (wind-induced) currents and slightly influenced by tidal currents. Thermal water which spreads out from the outlet canal into coastal waters has a minimum area of about 58.60 hectares in transitional season at highest water level, and a maximum area of about 156 hectares in transitional season when water level goes to cbb. In general, the simulation results in the cast season are comparable to the observed data, while in the transitional season of cast-west season of cast-west season the and in the west season the model is still being verified.
Pemodelan Penyebaran Air Hangat dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap di Peraian Muara Karang, Teluk Jakarta
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