The Problems, Issues and Challenges of Planning Education in Indonesia
This article is intended to describe the current development of planning education in Indonesia and will consist of 3 main issues as follows: Firstly, a quick look at the dynamic of national, regional and local planning development concept and practice, and in line with the need of Indonesian development program this paper is also intended to explore the importance and need of planning education, and lastly this paper is going to discuss the development of planning education in Indonesia.References
Philip Heywood, "The Future of Planning Education", the Planner, 1981.
Wiliam Alonso, "The Unplanned Paths of Planning Schools", the Public Interest, 1986.
Louis B. Wetmore and Leonard F. Heumann, "the Changing Role of the Workshop Course in Educating Professionals", JPER, 1988.
Gary Pivo, "Specialization, Faculty Interest, and Courses in Physical Planning Subjects at Graduate Planning Schools", JPER, 1989.
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Center for Planning Study, ITB., "A study of the demand for Planning Education", 1993
Proceeding of Discussion on Planning Curricula Workshop, Forum of Indonesian Planning Education, Islamic University of Bandung, 1993.
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