CiteScore : 1.5 |
Impact Factor : 0.5 |
Vol. 12 No. 3 (2001)
Research Articles
Pengalaman Lingkungan Lingkungan Sebagai Pendekatan Pengembangan Pariwisata Daerah
Abstract views: 73 times |
Downloaded: 66 times
Regency of Bandung Civic Center (Bali): Evaluation of An Attempt of Making Cosmoreligious Landscape
Abstract views: 119 times |
Downloaded: 66 times
Urban Land Policy For Indonesia: The Need For Reform
Abstract views: 692 times |
Downloaded: 425 times
Strategic Intervention in Housing Development Case Study: Indonesia
Abstract views: 175 times |
Downloaded: 138 times
Pencirian Struktur Kota: Tinjauan Teoritik dan Pengujian Empirik
Abstract views: 91 times |
Downloaded: 163 times