An Examination of Postmodernism in Sculptural Practices in Some Nigerian Art Schools
postmodernism, sculptural practices, Nigerian art schools, sculpture, Nigerian artAbstract
Postmodernism, a Western artistic concept, affects sculptural practices in Nigerian art schools. Sculptures are consequently getting extremely subjective as students use postmodernism to avoid learning classical sculptural principles. Therefore, this study examined postmodernism in sculpture in Nigerian art schools with a view to finding ways by which postmodernism can be incorporated into practice in Nigerian art schools. The study used data collected through field research at three art schools between 2010 and 2021. Nine (10%) out of 89 postmodern sculptures observed in the three art schools were randomly selected for formal analysis. The findings indicate that the exploration of found objects and the production of sculptures that provoke deeper conceptual meanings of subjects have become the norm, triggered by the socio-cultural conditions and geography in the art schools? locations. It is concluded that postmodernism can be incorporated into sculptural training in Nigerian art schools without inhibiting the development of knowledge and skills according to classical and artistic principles and values.
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