Vol. 51 No. 2 (2019)
Performance Analysis of Energy Storage in Smart Microgrid Based on Historical Data of Individual Battery Temperature and Voltage Changes
Abstract views: 387 times |
Downloaded: 261 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.1
Prestressed Concrete I-Girder Optimization via Genetic Algorithm
Abstract views: 382 times |
Downloaded: 307 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.2
A Coal Mine Underground Localization Algorithm Based on the Feature Vector
Abstract views: 230 times |
Downloaded: 182 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.3
Gaussian Process Regression for Prediction of Sulfate Content in Lakes of China
Abstract views: 383 times |
Downloaded: 301 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.4
Impurity Removal of Waste Cooking Oil Using Hydrophobic Polypropylene Hollow Fiber Membrane
Abstract views: 1089 times |
Downloaded: 387 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.5
Study on the Mechanism of Particle Breakage under New Composite Loads
Abstract views: 279 times |
Downloaded: 207 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.6
Borehole Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Pilot Study on a Coal Bed Methane Reservoir in Indonesia
Abstract views: 473 times |
Downloaded: 270 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.7
Alkaline-assisted Microwave Pretreatment of Tetraselmis suecica Biomass for Fed-batch Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abstract views: 312 times |
Downloaded: 227 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.8
An Analysis of EEG Changes during Prolonged Simulated Driving for the Assessment of Driver Fatigue
Abstract views: 486 times |
Downloaded: 353 times
DOI : https://doi.org/10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.2.9
Editorial Section
Cover JETS Vol. 51 No. 2, 2019
Abstract views: 258 times |
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Front Matter
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Back Matter
Abstract views: 304 times |
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