About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Wimba Journal of Visual Communication (SINTA-3) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal in the field of visual communication and aims to publish academic article and to create discussion among lecturers, students, researchers and professionals in the field of visual communication design, graphic design, heritage-related design, illustration, typography, photography, multimedia interactive design, advertising and social campaign, branding, packaging design, sign system, interface design, visual language, animation, game design and other visual commucation-related fields. Published and organized by Visual Communication and Multimedia Research Group of ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) since 2009, the journal is published twice a year.
Wimba Jurnal Komunikasi Visual (SINTA-3) adalah jurnal peer-review dan akses terbuka di bidang komunikasi visual dan bertujuan untuk mempublikasi artikel akademik serta menciptakan diskusi di antara pendidik, mahasiswa, peneliti dan profesional dalam bidang desain komunikasi visual, desain grafis, desain berbasis budaya tradisi, ilustrasi, tipografi, fotografi, desain multimedia interaktif, periklanan dan kampanye sosial, branding, desain kemasan, marka grafis, desain antarmuka, bahasa rupa, animasi, desain game dan bidang lainnya yang terkait pada komunikasi visual. Jurnal ini dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Kelompok Keahlian Komunikasi Visual dan Multimedia, FSRD ITB sejak tahun 2009 dan terbit dua kali setahun.
Editorial Team
Drs. Baskoro Suryo Banindro, M.Sn. - ISI Yogyakarta
Articles submitted to Wimba jurnal komunikasi visual (ISSN: 2085-0948) will be evaluated through 2 stages of review, ie pre-review and substance review.
The pre-review of the article is carried out by the editorial team to review the conformity of the article with the focus and scope of the journal as well as the journal style and specific writing guidelines. Plagiarism checking is carried out by using Google Scholar and Turnitin software. Duration of review between 1-2 weeks.
Substantial single-blind reviews are performed by at least 2 reviewers. Duration of review between 3-8 weeks. If desired, the reviewer may request a re-review after the author revises his/her article.
The decision of whether the article can be published is authorized by the Editor in Chief by considering recommendations from reviewers. Articles that have been accepted and have been in-layout will be published in the In Progress issue before the regular issue is published on schedule, so they can be indexable and citable immediately.
If you would like to become a reviewer for Wimba jurnal komunikasi visual, please contact us. You should provide some descriptive words of your reviewing interests. We will register you as a Reviewer and an Author into Wimba jurnal komunikasi visual within 3 working days. Your account information, i.e. username and password, will be delivered to your email.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.