
  • Husnaini Husnaini
  • Djoko Suharto


Fenomena retak lelah dan retak dengan beban kuasistatik sudah rnenjadi konsep yang mapan dan telah digunakan dalam perhitungan rekayasa, Sebaliknya, fenomena retak cepat (fastfracture) masih belum banyak diketahui dan merupakan bidang penelilian baru. Tulisan ini merupakan rangkuman dari penelitian-penelitian dibidang ini. Tujuannya adalah membuat suatu pembahasan yang sistemalik sehingga konsep dan parameter-parameter retak cepat ini dengan mudah dapat dimengerti.


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Crosley, P.B and Ripling, E.J., in ASTM STP 627, Fast Fracture and Crack Arrest, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1977, pp. 372- 391.

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Kalthoff, J.F., Beinert, 1., and Winkler, S., Measurements of Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor for Fast Running and Arresting Cracks in Double Cantilever-Beam Specimens, in Fast Fracture and Crack Arrest, ASTM STP 627, (G.T. Hahn and M.F. Kanninen, Eds.), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1977, pp. 161-176.

Kalthoff, .l.F., Winkler, S., and Beinert, J., Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor for Arresting in DCB Specimens, Int. I. Fracture, Vol. 12, 1976, pp.317-319.

Kalthof, J. F., Stress Intensity Factor Detemtination by Causties, Proc.Int.Conf. on Experimental Stress Analysis, organized by Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and American Society for Experimental Stress Analysis (SESA), Honolulu-Maui, Hawaii, May 23-29, 1982, pp.1119-1126.

Kalthoff, J.F., Beinert, J., and Winkler, S., Analysis of Fart Running and Arresting Crack by the Shadow Optical Method of Caustics, IUTAM Symp. Opt. Methods Mech. Solids (A. Lagarde, Ed.), University of Poitiers, France, Sept. 10-14, 1979, Sijthoff Noordhoff, Alphen Aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, 1980, pp.497-sos.

Kalthofi, J.F., Handbook of Experimental Mechanics, ed. A.S Kobayashi, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1987, pp.430-500.

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The International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, e.v. and Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 11th International Conference on Structural Mechanics In Reactor Technology (SmiRT11)", August 18 - 23, Tokyo, Japan, 1991.

Suharto, D., Husaini, Siswosuwarno M, Measurement of Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor KIdyn and Crack Initiation Stress Intensity Factor KIq Using Strain Gages, Proceedings of The First Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Melbourne, 1996.



Cara Mengutip

Husnaini, H., & Suharto, D. (2017). TINJAUAN TENTANG FENOMENA PERAMBATAN RETAK DINAMIK. Mesin, 11(1), 1-7. Diambil dari https://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/jtms/article/view/4791


