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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is sent only to the Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi, not to other journals until it is confirmed for acceptance or rejection by the Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi.
  • The manuscript adheres to the document format, stylistic, and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The manuscript has been checked for plagiarism with a maximum similarity of 20% for the whole manuscript and 4% for each source.
  • All references properly cited in the manuscript and active URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The author has read, understands, and agrees to this page's Copyright Notice and Privacy Statement.
  • The corresponding author's contact details (preferably email address/WhatsApp number) are provided in the author's profile for further communication.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

The journal receives manuscripts from university academics, research institutions, and industries related to automation, control engineering, and instrumentation. The submitted manuscript must never been previously published or under consideration in another journal.  The language used in writing is Indonesian or English. The manuscript will be evaluated through an anonymous double-anonymous peer-review process by academic reviewers from national or international universities based on originality, relevance, and scientific contribution.

Manuscript Writing

The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format. The font is Franklin Gothic Book, with font sizes 9 – 14, depending on the manuscript section. The manuscript length is 6 – 15 pages, A4 paper size, portrait orientation, mirror margin with an inside margin of 0.98" (2.49 cm), outside margin of 0.79" (2.01 cm), top margin of 1" (2.54 cm), and bottom margin of 1" (2.54 cm). The manuscript template can be downloaded here.
The manuscript structure is Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (IMRAD), Acknowledgments (if any), Nomenclature (if any), References or Bibliography.

The Title is written to entice people to read further, from the abstract and introduction to the conclusion. It must be accurate, informative, and as complete as possible but still specific and concise. The title does not contain abbreviations because they can be interpreted differently.

The Abstract is a summary of the manuscript. Its nature is to attract readers to study the manuscript further and even cite it. The abstract must be self-explanatory, containing the problem description, proposed approach, main findings, and conclusions. The abstract must not contain citations or footnotes. The number of words is at most 200 words. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English.

The Introduction describes the background of the research, reviews prior research, gap analysis, and research to be carried out, and proposes solutions or ways to overcome weaknesses. The nature of the introduction is a review of the literature from previous studies. It discusses state of the art of knowledge, citing journal articles of the past 10 years. 

The Method presents the research experiments in such a way that they can be replicated or reproduced by other researchers. It is sufficient to write only the main set of equipment or the main tools needed for analysis or characterization. State the type and accuracy. Also, state the location of the study, the number of respondents, how to process the observations, interviews, questionnaires, and performance measurement. The general method does not need to be detailed; refer to the reference book. The experimental procedure is written in a descriptive paragraph. 

The Results and Discussions contain important findings in research (preferably presented in a concise form of figures or tables) along with possible cause and effect, comparison, and relationship with previous research. The results and discussions contain (1) what / how, whether the data presented has been processed (not raw data) and presented in the form of tables or figures, and given information that is easy to understand. Findings can be written but not discussed here; (2) why the discussion shows the relationship between the results and the known concepts and/or hypotheses. The discussion must be supported by real and clear facts. Last, (3) what else whether there is conformity or conflict with other people's research?

The Conclusion summarizes the main findings of the study. The nature of the conclusion is to answer the problem or research objectives and can also produce a new theory/concept based on existing facts/analysis. This may be accompanied by a recommendation for further research. Conclusions are written as a paragraph, not as a list. Conclusions should not be subdivided into sub-conclusions. Recommendations should not be subdivided into sub-recommendations.

The Acknowledgments, if applicable, addressed to the grant funding or sponsor along with the grant document number

The Nomenclature must list all used notations and their meanings.

The References refer to the IEEE Reference Guide. The author must cite at least 15 references from the last 10 years. A minimum of 80% of references must be scientific journals and a maximum of 20% textbooks.

The manuscript can include pictures, tables, and formulas or equations. Avoid using footnotes.

All images are numbered (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and captioned. The caption is written after the picture. The image must be displayed as soon as it is referenced in the manuscript. Cite the reference if the image comes from a source. Image files are submitted separately in *.png, *.jpg, or *.eps format.

All tables are numbered (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and captioned. The caption is written before the table. The table must be displayed as soon as it is referenced in the manuscript. The lines in the table are only horizontal at the top, separating the head of the table from the contents and at the bottom. Cite the reference if the table comes from other sources.

All mathematical formulas/equations are written in center alignment and numbered in left alignment. Notations and symbols in formulas are written in the form of descriptive paragraphs, not in the form of lists.
The template can be downloaded here. It contains a more detailed description of the font size for each section, the terms for loading images, tables, or equations, and examples of writing references.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.